Psychometric assessment and behavioural profiling is good at identifying attributes or behaviours that might otherwise be difficult to pick up at interview. Some candidates can make you fall in love with them because they have well-developed interpersonal skills and good self-confidence, only to turn out to have very average work orientation or perhaps unproductive behavioural characteristics that render them ineffective in their roles. On occasion there are candidates who do not present well at interview, but once they get into an organisation often prove to be hard-working and conscientious, with considerable tenacity. These candidates are often eliminated at interview stage.
Psychometric assessment, as part of behavioural profiling, gives us a better understanding about how a person will behave naturally, how they will operate under pressure, and highlights potential behavioural difficulties or characteristics to look out for. Behavioural profiling also helps guide reference checking, suggests areas to probe at further interviews and gives more meaning to the interviewer when considering interview responses and career experiences.
It also provides information to:
- guide the most effective management of a person;
- outline how induction should be rolled out; and
- identify potential clashes, or differences a person may have with a manager or other team members.